Anyway, here's Wonderwall…

By playinmyguitar - 15/08/2009 15:02 - United States

Today, I invited everyone to a gig I'm playing at a bar. They closed it down just for me when I told them how many people were attending, and I spent all day setting it up. Turns out nobody showed up besides my mom, my dad, and 2 of my cousins. I still had to play 7 songs in front of them. FML
I agree, your life sucks 49 103
You deserved it 7 002

Same thing different taste

Top comments


Hey, a gig is a gig. You should be grateful that they support you, because I know a hell of a lot of parents who don't support their kids who try and get into music. Also, I believe there's a moral in there about not counting your chickens before they hatch. Were you sure to get confirmation for the people you invited?

I think this is a 50/50 split of FYL and YDI. You said you invited X amount of people... you never said that all (or any) said they'd come. I can invite whoever I want all day long, but that doesn't mean they'll show. Better luck next gig!


I think this is a 50/50 split of FYL and YDI. You said you invited X amount of people... you never said that all (or any) said they'd come. I can invite whoever I want all day long, but that doesn't mean they'll show. Better luck next gig!

YDI for booking a venue before getting people to come. Also, telling a certain amount of people to turn up is not the same as having that big an attendance

oh_mi_shizzle 0

ohmigod... I feel so bad for you... I'm sure it felt like crap and it was embarressing when they shut down the place for u and nobody came... it okay... at least ur parents showed up u know they love u... Things'll get better... good Luck and keep ur head up and don't give up. :)

sublime93 0

WHAT is with the ******* periods?!

10_4Franky 0

18 periods in one comment. Another sign that the world is getting more stupid.

Inviting someone doesn't mean they're obligated, let alone going to, attend. Your "telling them how many were attending" was a ******* dumbass move.

Whoa, that was hilarious, but really sad. Good luck next time, and make sure that people actually ARE going before closing the whole place down. The only achievement you made was to do your gig, but no one will know you did it.

TBH I don't think you tried hard enough to get those guys to come, you have to BUG ppl like mad to make sure they go! So I don't think you tried hard so id say u deserved it, but I do feel sorry 4 u so FYL

beachbabe24 0

at least u know that your family supports you....

It's better than having everyone who supposedly likes you showing up and yelling: YOU SUCK, GET OFF THE STAGE! Trust me, I know.