Anyway, here's Wonderwall

By Anonymous - 01/04/2009 05:47 - United States

Today, I was walking down the street with my acoustic guitar on my back. I saw a girl that I like coming down the opposite way, so I decided to play my guitar to try and impress her. I started to tune it quickly, but while I wasn't paying attention, I ran into a pole. Now my guitar is cracked. FML
I agree, your life sucks 21 382
You deserved it 80 483

Same thing different taste

Top comments

If i've learned one thing from this website... Showing off = FAIL often... *makes note*


If i've learned one thing from this website... Showing off = FAIL often... *makes note*

Yep - pretty obvious you don't show off to a girl by trying to impress them. Girls like guys who can do things they attempt to impress them with, or things that the guy can actually do. This is probably the 15th FML written on here that I've seen that reads a guy trying to impress a girl. Now - you WERE trying to tune your guitar quickly, that's okay. But - you should've stayed still, at least.

Playing guitar to impress girls should be an "FML" in itself. So weak.

IAmzephyr 22

and that's why we don't be a tool

YDI; a way to pass from the anonymity to discredit.....

There is a great skit on Family Guy about guys that play acoustical guitars. You should watch it.

xAllygator 1

Family Guy sucks terribly, and no the OP shouldn't watch it.

94 - High class. Their picture is of shanaynay. They obviously appreciate SOME good shows......

Chaith 16

This kind of idea sounds good in your head, but parading around the streets like a traveling carny only scores the effort you put in, right?

lol #5. But guy you are no troubadour.

a word of advice. girls tend to like REAL MUSICIANS who play the guitar. if you have to whip out your guitar in order to get girls and that's your only real use for your guitar, you don't fall into that category. become a musician, play songs that you mean, and if you don't suck, you'll get girls. getting laid is a perk for being a real musician, it shouldn't be your reason for being a musician. trust me, we generally see through it, and it makes you look desperate.

Thank you, now I don't have to make a comment myself. You said all that I intended to and even better, because you said it from a female perspective, which is clearly the one in power in respects to this situation.