Are you a wizard?

By Anonymous - 24/05/2016 10:30 - Ukraine

Today, I took my 9-year-old sister to an ice cream shop. There we met a boy about her age, who started a conversation with her, told her she was pretty and they ended up exchanging numbers. I'm 24 and so far I've never succeeded at getting a girl's number like this. FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 828
You deserved it 1 338

Same thing different taste

Top comments

zeffra13 31

Home number or cell? I hope a 9 year old doesn't have a cell phone for anything but emergency calls.

It's just a number.... Heh. Kidding. Actually, that is kind of funny. I'm sure you'll get lucky soon, man.


Sonotsuave 35

get yourself out there OP!! And start at that ice cream shop ;)

why does your 9 year old sister have a phone ?

this is so wrong its not even funny

morningmonster 18
middlenamefrank 8

Take notes on what the kid did I guess

She's 9 and already has a cell phone ?? I hope you were talking about home phone numbers. And to anyone who thinks we're in modern days and need to get with our time, a child's brain doesn't care about the century we're in, nor do the damaged caused by that type of waves or premature alzheimer.

oscarrocks 8

What the? What kind of 9 year old has a phone...

Your 9 YEAR OLD SISTER has a cellphone? Are you ******** me? When I was nine I actually played outside and did productive things. Haha your sister can say goodbye to that