Are you kidding me?

By bingalingading - 03/01/2015 01:46 - United States - Owosso

Today, my fiancée and I were making plans for our wedding when my soon-to-be mother-in-law chimed in with, "You know, she can still get out of this. I got the dress for her but we can save it for the next guy." I'm not sure if she's joking or not. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 683
You deserved it 2 497

Same thing different taste

Top comments

she sure knows how to be rude, well good luck for your wedding :)

Listen to your heart, not your relatives.


Haha she's totally not joking. Sorry dude

I see a master mind mother in out...

sounds like she is being a protective mother and saying it as a warning. doesn't necesarily mean she doesn't support the marriage.

When I showed my future mother in law the wedding venue her first comment was that it looked like a good place to kill herself.

Now it depends. Are you the dude or the guy? If she's saying YOU can still get out, then im sure it's a joke

she's NOT joking. Typical Monster in Law. Don't sweat it, OP. Congratulations for the wedding!