Are you kidding me?

By bingalingading - 03/01/2015 01:46 - United States - Owosso

Today, my fiancée and I were making plans for our wedding when my soon-to-be mother-in-law chimed in with, "You know, she can still get out of this. I got the dress for her but we can save it for the next guy." I'm not sure if she's joking or not. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 683
You deserved it 2 497

Same thing different taste

Top comments

she sure knows how to be rude, well good luck for your wedding :)

Listen to your heart, not your relatives.


It's all based on the tone at the time..

Why don't you just ask her if she was joking? If so, then say it wasn't funny. People may have problems with their in-laws but that doesn't mean you need to sit there and get insulted.

Man, those Mother-in-laws always seem to be a pan in the ass. No worry, she'l get used to you. she has to.

Look like you've got a long way ahead, my friend.

More like monster in law. Good luck OP 0.0

"Many a True Word Spoken in Jest"-It was probably more of a gentle warning that you better treat her right!

NomeDMF 17

I was had an in-law who told me "you might as well fu@k right in front of me" cause her daughter, which i was dating, hugged me. I feel you. Goodluck OP!

Well, doesnt she sound like a nice old lady XD