
By confusing - 06/06/2014 19:00 - Zimbabwe

Today, my students turned in their male figure artwork. One absolute idiot had the smart idea of drawing me and the TA as some kind of gay lovers. I was torn between disgust at the explicitness, anger at the disrespect, and yet awe at how well-drawn it was. FML
I agree, your life sucks 48 113
You deserved it 6 869

Same thing different taste

Top comments


As my father once told me: "Son, I appreciate all artwork, though I don't always agree with it."

Guess you could say it was a hard decision;)


91hayek 31

Well slash art is getting pretty lucrative now. Just look at 50 shades.

jeragonm 15

Was this one of those classes where the teacher is the subject of the artwork?

Sounds like this was art. It reflected talent, made a statement, and was memorable. Don't be such a tight ass and appreciate it for what it is. Or are you just upset that Mr. Choad was drawn to scale?

Sounds like the kind of person who can't NOT draw two fictional characters as gay lovers in their spare time. Kind of a one-trick pony.

You instructed them to draw male figure. Just doing what you said. If it pictured two people you didn't know, would you feel the same?? Seperate yourself from it

Axel5238 29

They were asked to draw a male figure not erotic fan fiction. There is a big difference.

Two people doing the do is still still technically figure though. If anything they should get double marks because there was two of them. Also, one yaoi picture is hardly a fanfiction...

Tell the student he/she can choose their grade only this one time. The a for the execution or the f for the disrespect. Warn that next time you will choose the grade and that disrespect will outweigh execution.

Omg, that shit is crae crae!! Totes adorbes!

clicker2 10

Tell him he left out the tattoo the TA has on his thigh.

senor_awesome 14

If they drew you on top, give them an A. if you're on bottom....C+?