
By confusing - 06/06/2014 19:00 - Zimbabwe

Today, my students turned in their male figure artwork. One absolute idiot had the smart idea of drawing me and the TA as some kind of gay lovers. I was torn between disgust at the explicitness, anger at the disrespect, and yet awe at how well-drawn it was. FML
I agree, your life sucks 48 113
You deserved it 6 869

Same thing different taste

Top comments


As my father once told me: "Son, I appreciate all artwork, though I don't always agree with it."

Guess you could say it was a hard decision;)


erenjaeger 16

Just tell the student that while they're very talented, that the particular drawing is inappropriate and to draw something else next time.

kingdomgirl94 29

I agree. Mark them based on the criteria objectively and then have a talk with them about personal boundaries and what is appropriate for content in this particular environment.

Was it drawn by that same kid from Wedding Crashers?

Really great drawing deserves an A but how disrupting it is gives an F to make it a C or somethjng

ohishkabibble 21

I mean, if the student's work was marvelous, suck it up and give them an A. The "disrespect" you perceive should not influence their grade, because they are obviously extremely talented. Better yet, troll your student and have a long discussion with him about all the explicit portions that you just LO~OVE and point them all out while looking him straight in the eye.

"I really enjoyed how much detail was put into the veins on-"

Well... When two men really love each other and want to express their feelings with one another...Any way butts tend to suffer greater casualties in homosexual relationships

Superwholock86 6

That's how I feel on Tumblr

Fail them for disrespect; they need to learn, somehow.

if the work is good, it is not fair to fail them because of disrespect. the grade is based on how good the work is, not how it makes you feel.

Part of how good it is is how effective it is at making you feel something, but what emotion it evokes should only be a part of your aesthetic judgement.

kingdomgirl94 29

I was taught that art, as long as it makes you feel SOMETHING is effective. There is no greater failure as an artist than to have everyone look at it and go "meh..."

raspution 21

Maybe the student is expressing his fantasy.