Asshat parking technique
By MadMax - 26/06/2013 20:49 - United States - Nashua
By MadMax - 26/06/2013 20:49 - United States - Nashua
By AJL - This FML is from back in 2014 but it's good stuff - United States
By mickstinator - 25/06/2009 15:37 - United States
By Anonymous - 23/12/2016 09:19
By stolenbike - 14/06/2009 17:28 - United States
By no car - 04/08/2020 17:04
By denting-and-venting - 10/08/2016 20:05 - Canada - Toronto
By Anonymous - 05/02/2012 20:41 - Canada
By couch girl - 25/06/2013 16:23 - Singapore - Singapore
By Anonymous - 23/12/2023 05:00 - United Kingdom
By wildwonder808 - 12/08/2013 22:47 - United States - Dearborn
Contact the people who have responsibility for the security of the garage or the ones who "owns" it, take photos from all accessible angles and let them be witnesses. He'll be held responsible for any damage/inconvenience.
Hopefully you don't have any damage to your bike.
Can you report him for that?
I would have slashed his tires.
Youre one of those people who takes up a parking spot for their motorcycle though
#63 You are an idiot. We are trained by the government when we get our license to take up a space by parking near the back end of it so that YOU normal drivers that feel you own the road and deserve everything can see that we are in that space already and not run over our bikes. At least we can park 3 to a space if we wanted to do so. You take up the entire space no matter what. #77 We don't always get the option of parking in a space reserved for us. We park close to the front at most places so we can keep an eye on our bikes or we'll put them in a place to be in view of a camera in case of jerks like the one that messed with OP's. #78 You need to get real. We don't park for your convenience or other biker's. We park because we need to park. I don't want some dude I don't know parking his bike in the same space as me. He could damage my bike, damage his and blame me, or block me into the space. We don't have to park 80 to a space. We have the legal right (every bit as much as any other driver of any other vehicle) to park one to a space. We group up because most of you non bikers can't be bothered to notice our bikes and tend to run over them if they aren't in a group. #88 You should NEVER park a bike in gear. It's stupid and irresponsible. You are asking for your bike to take off under you. #102 seems like he has experience in this. Listen to this man if this ever happens again. to all saying damage the guy's car, bad idea. You'd not teach him a lesson, just piss him off. He needs to know that he can't mess with a bike and get away with it. Calling a towing company would be the best move. I've done it and the look on their face when they come out to see their car being towed is priceless. Just make sure that they are only paged to come check their car, AFTER the guy has the thing hooked up and ready to impound.
For those people saying motorbikes shouldn't take up a whole parking space, sometimes we have to in order to park legally. We can get fines for illegal parking just the same as cars. Also, we pay registration and parking fees just like anyone else. If we want a whole parking spot, we're just as entitled to it as any car driver.
Here's what you do. 1) Get your bike free. 2) Key the shit out of his car. 3) Slash his tyres (or deflate them if you don't have a knife on you). 4) Take a shit on his windshield. 5) GTFO before he comes back. He won't be trying that nonsense anytime soon, let me tell you.
How much space do you have? You can wait for him to come back, explain what he did wrong, and while you're eventually removing your bike, just "accidently" scratch the paint… a few dozen times.
I'd push my bike out, even if I need to scratch his car in the process to get it out successfully, then take a shit on his windscreen.
YDI for parking in a space for a car. That's why bikes should go in the spaces actually reserved for bikes. Or the compact car spaces at the very least. Taking up an entire car space for your motorcycle is just plain rude.
At least where I live we have no parking spaces "reserved" for either motorcycles and compact car. Besides, last I knew of motorcycles were still considered vehicles. They're treated the same on the road, so why not the same in the parking lot? You don't get to have a pissy tantrum because you're annoyed that a bike had taken up a parking spot - you drive around and look for another. Moving his bike and blocking him is a straight up douche move, IMO.
Who said anything about spaces reserved for bikes? Never in my life have I seen one and I've lived in major cities with plenty of bikes before. Besides, parking in a "car spot" doesn't excuse being an asshat and potentially damaging someone else's property and trapping them in at the same time.
His tires don't really need that air..
Can't you get his plate number? I'm sure if you get that, as well as take a picture of the situation, you'll be able to prove he is liable and make him pay for any damages.