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By denting-and-venting - 10/08/2016 20:05 - Canada - Toronto

Today, I found a parking spot in front of my work. I parked and another car pulled into the spot just in front of me. The next thing I know, the car in front backs up and slams into my car. Turns out she didn't notice the fire hydrant next to her spot and screamed at me cause I, "stole her spot." FML
I agree, your life sucks 14 611
You deserved it 1 100

Same thing different taste

Top comments

quazimozart 19

Sounds like she was trying to find something to be mad at other than her own stupidity

Seems like she's an immature person who thinks public spaces belong to her. Hopefully you got her insurance and she calms the hell down after this. Smile at her as she tries to explain this to the cops.


quazimozart 19

Sounds like she was trying to find something to be mad at other than her own stupidity

I hope you wrote all her info down and smiled at her while not breaking eye contact

I don't know about the laws in Canada, but in most of the U.S. States it's automatically their fault if they hit a parked vehicle.

not in a parking lot. most of the time its 50/50. which is lame

Luckily for OP they weren't in a parking lot...

Wow, hopefully her insurance covers the damage. Sounds to me like she was just to lazy to walk a few extra feet.

Seems like she's an immature person who thinks public spaces belong to her. Hopefully you got her insurance and she calms the hell down after this. Smile at her as she tries to explain this to the cops.

"But officer, it was MY SPOT! And she just TOOK it!"

Well, maybe she shouldn't be an idiot and make assumptions while driving. If you back up, you look behind you, how hard is that? It could have prevented the whole situation. I had a lady do the same thing to me once. It was street parking and I pulled up behind her. I was still in my car when she backed up into it. Luckily there was no damage, but she kept saying "the last thing I thought was that there'd be someone behind me." Well aren't you supposed to CHECK that??

It's not clear whether the other driver just stupidly backed up without looking (negligence) or rammed the OP in anger (assault.) If it's the latter, this could be a crime.