
By jayc80 - 20/05/2011 17:59 - Bermuda

Today, my boss scheduled a staff breakfast at a swanky new restaurant for all the hard work we've been doing. The dining area is on the roof, and the building has no elevator. I've been in a wheelchair for 11 years. When I brought this to my boss's attention, he said it wasn't his problem. FML
I agree, your life sucks 53 575
You deserved it 3 342

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Run over his foot in your wheelchair "accidentally".

ImNoSuperman13 0

you should record him, saying that. big money for discrimination


op, pull that shit from spiderman. "oh, I forgot the part where that was my problem."

keep thumbing me down like I give a fuuuck

JacksonCampbell 9

OP accidentally on purpose rolling over his boss' toes isn't his problem either. Just sayin'....

Yeah! Tumb me down, too! I LIVE OFF OF THUMBS DOWN; it's like air for me!

why the hell did some people vote YDI on this??

**** you 65! my app doesn't tell me where the OP is. that is why I said IF you are in the US! No one asked your damn opinion anyway, so STFU

PsychoNinjaDuck 0

It's from an episode of Family Guy. it's something Peter says.

omg my boyfriend made me clip his toenails because he said it gave him a bigger hard on. afterwards i found out he was a premature ejaculator and it was the end of him. all i ca say is, ******* KEEP IT!!!! fml

Sometimes i put ydi when my finger slips, scrolling through the app.

Actually, this is cause for a lawsuit under several statutes.

JacksonCampbell 9

Yay, let's just sue everybody. Is that all the USA does, is sue people? I mean sure, it's cruel, but still. Sue? Come on.

thebestof1984 0

It's a fantastic lawsuit. His boss is discrimination against him.

83- that is a stereotype. stop believing in everything you hear.

106. it has no grounds for a lawsuit. it was a special treat given to employees. as soon as it's a bonus, it doesn't need to be fair.

before people jump down my throat. don't get me wrong, it was a dick move. but not grounds for a lawsuit.

alexalways27 0

Not a lawsuit on the boss. On the restaurant. They must make a wheelchair accessible dinning area. In most places, mostlikly in op town.

People don't have to complain about everything. Just because another person has wronged you in some waydoesn't mean you have to repay the favor. 'Life's a bitch then you die.' Get over yourselves.

a_nutritionist 10

his boss isnt discriminating...the first think people check on locations for meals isnt "is it wheelchair friendly"...he probably didnt even consider it, and while it does suck for this individual, its correct, this isnt his problem. the establishment is the one responsible here, and do you think its going to be easy to make a last minute large party booking at another expensive restaurant - assuming someone can just pull one out their ass? he may have even paid a booking fee, especially if he ordered a private table. theres nothing the boss could do to bring the building up to code, it sucks, but thats life.

Run over his foot in your wheelchair "accidentally".

and say it's not your problem afterwards!

Mikekenny 0

but it is his problem when he is fired

every day for the rest of his life

iReadFmlsFml 0

Like the way you think woman ;)

roe010992 10

What a selfish twat. I'm sorry.

twat??? i assume u meant twit or either ur just lazy and didn't wanna fix ur mistake or u actually thought that's how u spell it. either way I'm not judging:)

Pilotchick 8

Um no she did indeed mean twat. Look it up. Also by judging how you worded your comment you should be the last trying to fix other people's mistakes.

notsocrazee 0

douche boss. you're a person too.

lies, people in wheelchairs aren't people like the rest of us.

I really hate those stupid people who like to discriminate others from activities because they're in wheelchairs or are handi-capped! it's not your fault your in a wheelchair! be proud of yourself for not giving up! stick up for yourself and you'll make a change in yours and others lives!:)

Epic_Fail_Nate 0

Well it's not his problem you're crippled. YDI

PSQ91 6
OceanBreathesSal 5

you know what his problem is. it's being a dick, just like yourself. go suck a fat one. and OP I'm sorry, it must be hard living with a disability in this world with such harsh people. FYL

TheDrifter 23

At #seven: Yes you do fail! You sound like a complete ****-bag piece of shit. I hope your legs get chopped off.

wow, he needs a reality check. pompous dick.

TrueStory22 0

I think you need a reality check. His boss is a dick - that is reality.

^^^ Holy shit this is such a win that I can't even say anything lol

ShelbyyCakess 0

what an ass. put him in a wheelchair an then ask him how he likes it!

WoAhAnNa123 0

^^^^umm yeah that wouldnt really help the situation..but ok...