
By Anonymous - 09/03/2014 19:31 - Singapore - Singapore

Today, I was on the subway, when the girl opposite me suddenly started shouting and accusing me of photographing her. I was reading a book on my phone, and I showed her the screen, but I got shoved around anyway by another guy, who threatened to report me for being a pervert. FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 136
You deserved it 3 279

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Wow, damn girl. Settle down there. Some girls are just bitches or think to highly of themselves... Pity that's how some people are today. Either way you aren't actually at fault for anything OP, so you have nothing to worry about. And the worst is when girls act that way and aren't even that hot...

Neither of them seem very familiar with books.


How did you hold your phone? If you held it up to eye level, it'll look suspicious.

Most people I know bend their heads to read, because holding up apparently takes too much effort.

What a photobrat. Some people are so vain

flashback_fml 14

Lol should've broken the dudes wrist

Really? THAT was the first thing that came to mind? Breaking the guys wrist? Violence isn't needed here but you couldn't think of anything else? A kick to the balls, a punch in the stomach, hell even a punch in face would be better and easier than breaking the guys wrist..

yes, definitely, he should definitely break the guy's wrists for pushing him around on a train that probably has cameras all through it. Unless the guy out his hands around op's throat, or had a weapon of some sort, there is no need for broken bones. I'd prefer to just let him push me, police would likely see the footage, and I don't want them charging me because some full of herself girl thought I took her photo, and the hero wanting to look good in front of her

jekyllf 13

That's why I always hold my phone with a finger covering the lens when I think there is any way someone might misinterpret my actions.

This is what is messed up, this girl just assumes he's taking a picture of her... She probably thinks she's the hottest girl around when she's probably a dumb bitch who looks like a fish.

Llama_Face89 33

Your comment made no sense AND you're an asshole. Kudos.

Yeah, the comment wasn't that great but you just called a stranger an asshole over nothing. Think about that...

You just called A WHOLE BUNCH of people assholes on the MLP story for less reason than that! But I'm sure you've got some nice rationalization ready for that hypocrisy.

At first I thought it was a distraction for pick-pocketing. Sorry for you aggravation, OP, but be glad your belongings stayed with you. (Always check your pockets after a bumping or shoving.)

doglover100 28
XxxT3rr4xxX 25

Sometimes you have to ignore the ignorance of others despite how they act. I know it's hard to do but sometimes you just have to walk away before you end up making a stupid decision or stooping to their level.

News goes out of a guy getting away with up skirts w/out permission and everyone's a perv

What sensible female would actually give permission to let a guy take pictures of her crotch in public? Or am I behind the times?