
By Anonymous - 07/01/2010 21:44 - United States

Today, while in class, I noticed that someone had really bad B.O. I was seated next to an extremely ill-mannered girl, so I figured it was her, and thought to myself that if it happened again, I'd tell her off. Once I got home and took off my jacket, I realized it was me. I forgot to put on deodorant. FML
I agree, your life sucks 6 978
You deserved it 45 452

Same thing different taste

Top comments

redblueviolet 0

I tried to say no when I moderated this... for the OP's sake. OP, you're going to have to deal with people telling you that you're a moronic piece of shit for making a simple mistake. I wouldn't read the rest of the comments if I were you.

Miso_Soupu 0

How could your body odor be that bad simply because you forgot deodorant? Perhaps you should try showering...


I feel bad for the girl sitting next to yoj

At least you didn't tell her...that would have been more embarrassing... Keep some axe in your bag it is a shower in a can *scarcasm*