By kharrington - 07/04/2011 17:30 - United States

Today, a woman called my work and accused me of having an affair with her husband, my coworker, demanding that my boss discipline me. I don't know her, I barely know her husband, and I haven't had sex in months. FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 654
You deserved it 3 536

Same thing different taste

Top comments

WTF is wrong with people? How could you click "YDI" for this? I suspect misogyny is the answer.

sucks to be you op. Good luck with that one. Roses are red. Violets are blue. you been banging my husband? I go beserk on you!


mz_booty 0

don't worry maybe she had u mixed up!! lol

Haven't had sex in months? Maybe the boss can 'dkscipline' you...

well some people aren't lucky enough to be a **** or a man ***** like you

It was all a setup for your boss to 'discipline' you.

Aww, it's ok OP, I'll give you some lovin'. *Sees OP* Holy shit, nevermind!

PDeffinP 0

WTF did you do to make her suspect that? Or is she just a complete idiot? Hopefully you don't get a spanking :(

gutzz 0

I think op would love a spanking right now.... it has been months afterall.

raven02 0

now it's time to do wat u do best f*** ur boss or give him head maybe he will give differed judification 4 this kinda a crime.FYL

sucks to be you op. Good luck with that one. Roses are red. Violets are blue. you been banging my husband? I go beserk on you!

WTF is wrong with people? How could you click "YDI" for this? I suspect misogyny is the answer.

SirEBC 7

If by "misogyny" you mean "trolling," then yes, you are correct.

ckyorelse 18

it's simple really, I hit the button with my finger

Epic W... naaah Epic fail ckyorelse...

theres always gonna be people who do that type of stuff on the internet, no matter what the situation.

Just because someone hasn't had sex in awhile doesn't mean she's not a flirt. The wife would have some reason to accuse her, unless she's some paranoid psycho. It's also possible people are trolling when clicking ydi. :D

Hoopscapades 0

well I bet the rest of your work day was super after that -_-

o man you haven't had sex in months. that sucks. FYL

I cud fix that and get those months of abstinence to go away ;)

I guess we should cry for you, please find something else to complain about your starting to sound like a dumb ass

richard121212 0

it's FML dumbfuck. don't complain about people who are SUPPOSED to complain. that's why its called **** My Life bitch.