Attempted romance

By ItRainedOutside - 06/01/2013 08:49 - United States - Saint Petersburg

Today, after three years with my dream girl, I decided to pop the question by making her complete a scavenger hunt ending in her finding me, suit and everything, by the park bench where we had our first kiss. She came home tired and, instead of following the clues, decided to watch TV all day. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 541
You deserved it 5 321

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Great idea but FYL. Maybe next time you should remember to include some motivation.

That sounds like the sweetest proposal ever awww...propose to me, OP :p


I agree with #46. Cute as it was, he seemed wrapped up in his plan and wasn't thinking of this from her perspective.

100 - So sending her on a scavenger hunt is one of the "oldest ideas" but taking her to a fancy restaurant isn't? I don't know about you, but I would rather have the savenger hunt because that requires a little more creativity than just going to a fancy restaurant.

But he wanted to do something different and creative. Not everyone wants to propose in the most cliche way imaginable.

astro20 5

Well did she at least find something good on tv?

You should have had a friend or family member do it with her, the last thing I would want to do after a long days work is walk around by myself.

YDI, join the rest of us in the real world.

andthepennydrops 6

awwwww, you're so sweet, OP!! Maybe she's not as much of a detective as you thought? :/ I'd marry someone if they put that much thought and effort into proposing :)

maybe you've been given the gift of reconsideration

Thats the cutest proposal ever!!! Too bad it didnt happen :( good luck for next time!!!! ;)