Attempted romance

By ItRainedOutside - 06/01/2013 08:49 - United States - Saint Petersburg

Today, after three years with my dream girl, I decided to pop the question by making her complete a scavenger hunt ending in her finding me, suit and everything, by the park bench where we had our first kiss. She came home tired and, instead of following the clues, decided to watch TV all day. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 541
You deserved it 5 321

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Great idea but FYL. Maybe next time you should remember to include some motivation.

That sounds like the sweetest proposal ever awww...propose to me, OP :p


pantherpride98 10

That was the sweetest thing ever!

Maybe she doesn't deserve you because she wouldn't even do the scavenger hunt for you... I know she didn't know what was at the end but still you put a lot of effort into something and she didn't seem to care

maybe begin it with go to the coffee shop were u have a coffee waiting, and the next clue is on the bottom of the cup

SaniK 17

You should have waited for her day off