Autumn blues

By AutumnWitch - 12/09/2024 17:00 - United States

Today, I had to put my cat down. I raised her from a kitten and called her "my little Pumpkin Seed." Unfortunately, we are entering Fall and thus the very beginning of the pumpkin spice/pumpkin decorating season. Everywhere I look I'm reminded of her. I used to love Fall. FML
I agree, your life sucks 404
You deserved it 94

Same thing different taste

Top comments

GoogieWithers 22

It is heartbreaking when a loved one dies. Try to focus on happy or funny memories to help you through it.


GoogieWithers 22

It is heartbreaking when a loved one dies. Try to focus on happy or funny memories to help you through it.

Taticicijr 1

it should be something that brings you joy later in life. when it’s that time of year and someone says or you see a pumpkin seed. You can always look back and reminisce little pumpkin seed. Sorry for your loss