By Anonymous - 07/11/2010 22:00 - United States

By Anonymous - 07/11/2010 22:00 - United States
By neckcrack - 07/09/2010 10:18 - Australia
By Anonymous - 22/01/2012 18:06 - Canada
By staciedee - This FML is from back in 2010 but it's good stuff - United States
By righthook - 08/04/2015 19:56 - United States
By manhandled - 01/02/2012 18:05 - Canada
By chelse_elyce - 21/01/2015 04:10 - United States
By Anonymous - 08/05/2015 16:46 - United Kingdom - Loughton
By Darcy - 26/10/2011 06:58 - Australia
By Anonymous - 06/01/2011 06:03 - United States
By Anonymous - 04/10/2009 21:40 - Canada
That's what you want.
Be sure to check out the thrilling conclusion to the "Bonk" series (following "Bonk" and "Bonk 2: The Max") by watching the latest smash hit: "Bonk 3: Aftershock".
well if he was lowering his head to kiss your neck and you raised yourself up wouldn't he end up kissing your ****? just sayin ^^
do me now!!
which head?
Doesn't matter had sex
YDI for not being married.
Comment Moderated? lol what did u say?
Yes, sex is a horrible act! How dare you!
26 is angry because 4 iz be trollin', and thus is encroaching on his territory.
Really? It's irrelevant. I was making a joke.
26 I iz b joking as well, I iz b jealous virgin maby or just anti **** unless dey ****** on me den hell ya gimme dat shiit!
Since I have no idea what I just said, I'll say it again. 36, I think you tink that I think that 4 thinks that sex is an unacceptable act, but i think that's not what I thought at all! If I could get laid I would... Probably.
Sex is overrated.
So I'm told, Selena.
What would I know? I'm just a teenager.
... Then why would you say something like that?
Take it from me, sex IS overrated. You'll never forget your first time. The first 3-5 girls, and it's exciting. After that, it's really just same old, same old. My left hand can do a better job than half the girls I've ******.
thats coz u hav neva fuked me ( but i dont think u eva will)
73 its coz u havnt slept wit me yet ( not that u ever will)
56 - Sex is overrated? I guess no guy gave it good enough to be you.. Sucks to be you :(
I'm gonna jump on this and say, if you don't have good sex partners maybe it's your fault????? this is getting irrelevant to the main topic isn't it?
Sec is great... sometimes just "very good" and other times it's amazing! I've had sex with the same person for over 10 years, however, so that may have something to do with it. Lots of practice? Maybe for some people who have had multiple partners it's more difficult for some people to get in sync? I have no idea. But in my experience... it's one of my favorite activities!
virgin bitch don't say sex is bad it is best thing ever
4 stfu u annoying bitch
sex is overrated for people who **** too much or just fail at sex. maybe the reason its soo bad is because of your performance.
4, 36, and 56 are all either virgins, or gay. And if they are the former, then they have no experience with it and therefore have no right to talk about it. If they are the latter, then I understand why it is overrated to you.
If you were having real fun it wouldn't have hurt. Just sayin...
At leaste you were having sex with your boyfriend. I've never had a boyfriend fml :(
you have got 'luv my boyfriend' on your profile..
Lol..Failed fml.
attention *****
don't have sex then.. aha..
BOOM! Headshot! Look on the bright side OP. At least you didn't decide you needed to stretch your legs. You coulda kneed him in the balls, and then no dick for you!
Meh, it happens.