
By Anonymous - 23/10/2009 04:56 - Australia

Today, while trying on a dress, my sister came up behind me and poked my back, asking, “What have you stuck down your dress?” I hadn’t put anything down the back of my dress; it was just my back fat. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 669
You deserved it 10 056

Same thing different taste

Top comments

My god, cut the OP some slack guys. Jeez, sometimes I just get so pissed off from idiots. Just because you are thin does NOT mean YOU ARE FIT. GET THAT INTO YOUR ******* BRAINS. 'Naturally thin' people aren't necessarily athletic people. I've known so called 'overweight' girls fitter than those 'naturally thin' girls. Just because you are THIN does not mean you are FIT. I guess due to the new media hypnotising your brains, being skinny is the only way to be beautiful. being slim won't automatically make you amazing, okay? Seriously guys, it's more important to be HEALTHY. H-E-A-L-T-H-Y. Some people actually find it HARD to lose weight. You can't expect someone to do a few laps on the track and BAM a new skinny girl has been created. Sorry for the long rant, and the occasional repetitions. It's just that some peoples brains are too thick to understand simple things such as this topic.

Kylias 6

Ew, up until just recently I had the same problem with my team swimsuit. There's a stretchy chord that's wired along the back. Imagine how delicious that looks wrapped around fat. No big. Just get off your butt and do something about it. ;P


electroboy_fml 0

I like the way nobody read either of my comments.

050294 0

I did, electroboy. They were full of win.

My god, cut the OP some slack guys. Jeez, sometimes I just get so pissed off from idiots. Just because you are thin does NOT mean YOU ARE FIT. GET THAT INTO YOUR ******* BRAINS. 'Naturally thin' people aren't necessarily athletic people. I've known so called 'overweight' girls fitter than those 'naturally thin' girls. Just because you are THIN does not mean you are FIT. I guess due to the new media hypnotising your brains, being skinny is the only way to be beautiful. being slim won't automatically make you amazing, okay? Seriously guys, it's more important to be HEALTHY. H-E-A-L-T-H-Y. Some people actually find it HARD to lose weight. You can't expect someone to do a few laps on the track and BAM a new skinny girl has been created. Sorry for the long rant, and the occasional repetitions. It's just that some peoples brains are too thick to understand simple things such as this topic.

shes probably normal size compared to her super skinny sister! that's my guess

Go do something a bout it and stop writing fmls. And people like you shouldnt wear dresses..

foreverDark 1

Then don't complain about it. You can do something about it or sit around writing anonymous fmls

zfchatroulette 24

Okay here's the thing, lots of people have what might look like "back fat" and are actually a healthy weight. I know I'm probably repeating someone else's comment, and I'm going to do so again by saying that everyone posting "stop eating so much you fatty" or "get a gym membership" needs to shut the **** up.