
By Anonymous - 23/10/2009 04:56 - Australia

Today, while trying on a dress, my sister came up behind me and poked my back, asking, “What have you stuck down your dress?” I hadn’t put anything down the back of my dress; it was just my back fat. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 669
You deserved it 10 056

Same thing different taste

Top comments

My god, cut the OP some slack guys. Jeez, sometimes I just get so pissed off from idiots. Just because you are thin does NOT mean YOU ARE FIT. GET THAT INTO YOUR ******* BRAINS. 'Naturally thin' people aren't necessarily athletic people. I've known so called 'overweight' girls fitter than those 'naturally thin' girls. Just because you are THIN does not mean you are FIT. I guess due to the new media hypnotising your brains, being skinny is the only way to be beautiful. being slim won't automatically make you amazing, okay? Seriously guys, it's more important to be HEALTHY. H-E-A-L-T-H-Y. Some people actually find it HARD to lose weight. You can't expect someone to do a few laps on the track and BAM a new skinny girl has been created. Sorry for the long rant, and the occasional repetitions. It's just that some peoples brains are too thick to understand simple things such as this topic.

Kylias 6

Ew, up until just recently I had the same problem with my team swimsuit. There's a stretchy chord that's wired along the back. Imagine how delicious that looks wrapped around fat. No big. Just get off your butt and do something about it. ;P


I thought the healthy fat percentage for women was 18-28? I have 22%, but I'm thin. Maybe I just don't have muscle... o_0. I'm thinking she has like 44% if she has a muffin top.

There migh tbe a slim chance she's not fat. This one girl I know is super super thin, no chest or butt, but she's got a muffin top and a double chin. And she's on the swim team. I don't know why her fat or whatever collects there, but it does, and it's not that she doesn't exercise enough or eats too much... I kinda hate people hating on fat people though. I mean, sure, they're not pretty to look at, but do you have to be so ******* hostile about them working out and eating right? I never work out and I'm naturally thin, they never work out and they're naturally fat. In the end, I say you might be able to be critical to someone who just moans that they're fat and doesn't do anything about it, but if that person is fine with being fat, you don't need to flame them. People like the OP, though, who obviously aren't okay with whatever fat issues they have, should do something about it if they really care so much.

electroboy_fml 0

There's no glory in being skinny. There's no shame in being fat. Some people have different digestive systems. I have a very high metabolism, so I generally remain very thin and don't put on a lot of fat. It's not fun. I get stomach cramps in the mornings every day and feel like crap. However, my dad has a very low metabolism and gastric problems, so he tends to gain more fat and food is not digested as fully as mine. He, however is always happy, and never criticised for sticking out in the stomach. So, this leads me to the why. Why is this accepted in our country and union, (except Britain) but not in the United States of America? Why criticise people for not being like the ‘general concensus‘. I'm aware not everyone has a metabolic problem, and some people do eat a lot, but, I must ask, not why, but, simply, why not? Sure, overweight and obese people get heart attacks, but skinny people get starvation. Slightly overweight and slightly underweight people get nothing? No. Flab isn't the end of the universe. No flab isn't the ultimate win over humanity. We're human. DEAL WITH IT! _________________________________________ ------------------------------------------- Anyway, don't worry about it, just get a larger size. (Damn I wrote a lot)

electroboy_fml 0

ALSO! *cue groans* I find it very interesting how many people could be affected by this issue in different ways. There are only two fields of thought, it appears for this subject and I guess it depends on the people. I was brought up saying "It's okay to take a laugh at humanity" and I do. I laugh more than I defend. However, I was also brought up saying "This is okay because only one opinion matters". This opinion, of course, being the personal opinion. A lot of people were brought up like this. I'm not special in this sense. I must draw attention to the great connection of the internet, and in particular, this site. I browse forums. Mindlessly? Sure. I notice that a very strange difference between forums and comments are people tend to be, for one reason or another, a lot less accepting. I mean no offense. People tend to act as a community on forums and act as debate teams on comments. People act judgementally and often, I don't want to use the word ‘attack‘, but generally, the word most used is attack. Attacking people's fitness, people's gender sometimes, very occasionally race, the things that make us unique and human. _______________________________ ---------------------------------- But I digress, I felt I needed to at least mention it. Feel free to confirm my hypothesis.

electroboy_fml 0

Well, I admit some do. But some don't and that's good enough for me.

hazardharry 0

YDI for putting fat in the back of your dress. That's disgusting.

I_piss_red_bull 0

Ok, complete randomness, but I just love the fact that there's a "Speak your mind, but please try and be respectful." Quote right above the comment box, are you people illiterate? Anyways, where was I? Oh yeah AHAHAHAHHA YDI FOR BEING BESTIES WITH MCDONALDS Get in shape fatass :)

Rainbow_Skittles 0

YDI for bitching about being fat. If you don't like it so much, instead of sitting on your computer and posting shit, go outside and ran a few laps, fatback!

ydi for not looking natural like a ralph lauren model. what is back fat ? those love handle looking things that pop out at the top of girly low rise pants ? i like holding those when i do it doggy style.