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By notwhatithought - 21/08/2015 19:43 - Germany - Erlangen

Today, the professor I've had a crush on informed me that there's only one way left I could still pass his course. Thinking this was an attempt to flirt with me, I told him I'd do anything he could imagine. He then looked confused when he asked me to write an essay. FML
I agree, your life sucks 11 249
You deserved it 33 730

Same thing different taste

Top comments

fotomiep 7

What cheap romance novel did you think you were in?


As the wife of someone attractive, who's taught undergraduate courses, you disgust me for the following reasons: #1 You would put his career in jeopardy. #2 Sleeping with you would likely bring criminal or civil charges against him. #3 ACADEMIC DISHONESTY. If you suck that much at the class, you deserve to fail and have to relearn the material. #4 Sleeping with someone to get a grade doesn't make you learn the material. Not only does this water down the meaning of the degree, but if it's stuff you need to know for your career- guess what! you still don't know it! And that sucks for other students with a diploma that DO know the material. AND could be a detriment to your future workplace, and you'd end up with shitty references (which btw you'd deserve) #5 HE MIGHT HAVE A FAMILY. So...**** YOU for thinking your stupid, undeserved grade in one class is worth more than his CAREER and FAMILY. In the words of Clark W Griswold- Holy Shit Hallelujah! Where's the tylenol!??

Hunkapoo 19

Good points, blunt but very true. I don't know why OP decided to put this on the site. she should be too ashamed of herself, but on more than one way she has shown she's not very smart. I can't stand women who think they can screw their way in or out of everything, it kinda gives the rest of us decent women a bad rap. I see this dumb crap all the time, its dishonest and disgusting.

Thanks. Yeah OP's egocentricity in not only doing this, but looking for sympathy over it, really set me off. Idk why my comment got moderated? Maybe the shouty caps in a couple spots? *shrugs* You're spot on, though. Women that screw their way to the top really reinforce stigmas and make it difficult for half the world's population to be taken seriously.

Psycho_Babydoll 26
nina0917 26

Haha wow seriously get over you're self

You can't help who you develop a crush on, but you can control how you act.

This sounds like a joke that went round facebook a while ago. Also, had that happened it would have been technically rape. And would you really want a relationship with someone who would be so predatory and basically blackmail young girls into sleeping with them?

jgriff79 23

And People say men watch to much ****!

Reading this made me feel so uncomfortable. Did you really think that he was going to suddenly just... Take you on a date or ask for sexual favors from you? like wtf, even if he did are you serious? That's your teacher! That's wrong on so many levels.

What the heck, YDI don't depend on sex to pass a course in school..

Be overly straightforward and earn a restraining order.