Baby you can't drive my car

By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2013 but it's good stuff - United Kingdom - Burnham

Today, I found out why my bank balance is so unusually low. It turns out that I bought a car in Indonesia. I've never been to Indonesia. FML
I agree, your life sucks 59 727
You deserved it 3 615

Top comments

OP just accidentally miswrote his/her address as "Indonesia" instead of "UK."


Weren't cars ridiculously expensive in Indonesia? I think I heard that their prices [for cars] are about 2.5-3 times as high as those in the US and Europe.

My mom use to rent out rooms in our house when I was a teenager. One day we decided to try to buy a car for my grandparents with my "supposedly good" credit, come to find out that I didn't. While I was busy finishing high school one of the people she let live there used my identity to buy a car, rent an apartment, buy furniture and lots of clothing. You might have to be careful about the places you eat out at also. Just a couple years ago my husband (who was a fiance at the time) and I went out to eat at a Mexican place near us and not two weeks later my debit card was used to buy an airline ticket on AeroMexico. Best solution, try to use cash where ever you go and that you trust the place you are using your card in. Also make sure to set alerts for your bank accounts so that you know if more money than you planned ever gets taken out of used and check it frequently to make sure all the purchases are yours. The government won't restore your credit unless they think there is absolutely no way you can fix the situation at your own cost and they definitely don't want to issue you a new social security number to fix the situation.

perdix 29

#39, tl;dr. Lady, this is FML, not the Dr. Phil Show!

perdix, get a life. A little information never hurts anyone. You should know seeing as when I do read the comments on some FML's you are generally one of the first to comment.

KiddoKS 19

Perdix comments a lot, but I've never read one that sounds like Dr. Phil... A little more Dr. Jekyll maybe :)

I don't think Perdix was meaning to offend, maybe he was just stating as to why he didn't read it. Usually, if comments are too long, not many people will read it. I did, but a lot of people will skim over it because the point is stretched out, is all.

I don't understand why people would say, "you deserve it" on this, does that mean someone actually deserves identity theft?

because there are people out there that think that if you leave the hole in the ground you live in and try to live what would be considered a "normal life" and you get bitten, that you deserve it for just being human. They're asshats, but nothing new to FML.

CaptFuzzyNippl_2 16

Seems like this dude is lil bit unstable :P "you need to take control of your life"

CaptFuzzyNippl_2 16

My comment was meant for a different FML post so just ignore the post above.

beachbum_101 16

Having your identity stolen is the WORST!!

I know that feeling OP, I made an in store purchase in New York while I was living in Arizona, so apparently I can clone myself without my knowledge. The banks are also pretty pesky to deal with.

That's a silly place to buy a car if you've never even been there! Why not pick a place closer to home? I'm sure that'd be more convenient! I hope there's something your bank will do for you to right the fraud.