Baby you can't drive my car

By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2013 but it's good stuff - United Kingdom - Burnham

Today, I found out why my bank balance is so unusually low. It turns out that I bought a car in Indonesia. I've never been to Indonesia. FML
I agree, your life sucks 59 727
You deserved it 3 615

Top comments

OP just accidentally miswrote his/her address as "Indonesia" instead of "UK."


onorexveritas 23

someone is a good guesser...or you were drunk shopping

graceinsheepwear 33

32, her name is my name too!

I feel you someone stole my identity and Social security before I even turned 18

this is like that episode of spongebob when he "lost his identity"

justmeCee 16

Did you reply to one of those emails that asks for your banking info to receive your inheritance from an Indonesian prince? Either way, FYL, OP. I hope you can get your money back and catch the culprit.

rety1 13

The way you worded that it made me think you were using the computer in your sleep or something and bought a car in Indonesia. Lol

Congratulations! You own a rickshaw with an engine!

ajaj26 12

Don't FML before you know what kind of a car it is! If it was a Bentley you'd be packing right now! Indonesia is a great buyers market, stolen cars are cheap. Just hope its a good car and go all Liam Nelson on whoever bought it with your money!