Back and forth

By Bellucy27 - 27/10/2010 03:00 - United States

Today, I went to the new Walmart to buy a space heater. After dodging cones in the parking lot and trying to open several doors while employees looked on, I checked the sign, which said "24 hours." I then realized it stated that the grand opening is tomorrow. I'm now sitting in my apartment, shivering. FML
I agree, your life sucks 10 570
You deserved it 26 491

Same thing different taste

Top comments

go to another store like target or something

think of the fun you'll have tomorrow though


#33, My thought exactly. Unless the old Walmart wasn't a Super one. Those crappy plain ones aren't 24 hours

screw walmart and their monopoly on portable heaters.....wait...

do u live near smokey point? cus there is a walmart opening well I guess now today there. just thought it was interesting

if u dress diferently they might not remember you.

Blacksmokehick 0

there are more stores then just walmart, try fleet farm or home depot

dazzlingstar1987 0

there's like a million other places that sell space heaters... lowes home depot even cvs

skyeyez9 24

In the winter, I put a down comforter on my bed (encased in an allergy cover since I'm allergic to down feathers). It is super warm and I recommend getting one. The allergy cover does work too, I don't have any symptoms.

skyeyez9 24

Why so many wal mart haters? Yes, there are alot of weirdos that frequent the place, but it is pretty convenient to shop there. Especially if you're busy and don't have the time to stop by several stores to get the things you need.

You do know there are other stores besides Wal-Mart, right?