Back and forth

By Bellucy27 - 27/10/2010 03:00 - United States

Today, I went to the new Walmart to buy a space heater. After dodging cones in the parking lot and trying to open several doors while employees looked on, I checked the sign, which said "24 hours." I then realized it stated that the grand opening is tomorrow. I'm now sitting in my apartment, shivering. FML
I agree, your life sucks 10 569
You deserved it 26 486

Same thing different taste

Top comments

go to another store like target or something

think of the fun you'll have tomorrow though


FYLDeep 25

If you went really late at night, YDI for not foreseeing this until it was too ******* cold where you needed to buy one really late at night. If you went during the day, go somewhere else and buy a heater. As for your current predicament, how about lighting some shit on fire?

I've been in really cold apartments before. Just make sure your feet are warm, then the rest of your body will warm up. Wear layers of socks, and if you really feel it's necessary, get a blow dryer and blast some hot air on your feet. Like someone else said, cover yourself up in blankets.

I'm assuming you waited until the middle of the night to get the heater and that's why there was nowhere else you could go? And nice dramatization with the parking cones, I kind of pictured them rising up to attack you as you dodged them Zombieland style in an attempt to escape.

So why don't you just go to the old Walmart?

xxjimmyboixx 0
sevans 0

you couldn't have just went to another store? there's usually a home depot or even a Sam's Club near ever Walmart and I know they both sell space heaters.

I HATE wakmart i think it should be destroyed

Go to another store, stay over a friends place, wear clothes to bed or just man/woman up for the night and tough it out. Walmart has good prices and some good products but they kill local stores and censor their merchandise, they won't sell products that don't fit their view of american values.