Back and forth

By Bellucy27 - 27/10/2010 03:00 - United States

Today, I went to the new Walmart to buy a space heater. After dodging cones in the parking lot and trying to open several doors while employees looked on, I checked the sign, which said "24 hours." I then realized it stated that the grand opening is tomorrow. I'm now sitting in my apartment, shivering. FML
I agree, your life sucks 10 569
You deserved it 26 486

Same thing different taste

Top comments

go to another store like target or something

think of the fun you'll have tomorrow though


Umm. Go to the old Walmart? The Walmart in the other part of town? Go to Target? Go to a home improvement store? Go to Lowes or Home Depot? Turn on the heater? Get a blanket, put some clothes on and stop whining?

"turn on the heater" hmm something tells me you cant turn such a thig on if you're going out to buy one... derpderp

Clearly it was late at night... And walmart is the only 24 hr store

Why do you need a space heater? Don't apartments have central heating? And if not, why did you rent it?

Why does this sound like the new wall mart opening in town tomorrow LOLOL

You do realize that there are more stores than just walmart in the universe right?? YDI

everlife_333 3

you should have gone some where else

WorksAtWalmart 0

You have GOT to live in elk city. Our new Walmart opened the 27th!