Back and forth

By Bellucy27 - 27/10/2010 03:00 - United States

Today, I went to the new Walmart to buy a space heater. After dodging cones in the parking lot and trying to open several doors while employees looked on, I checked the sign, which said "24 hours." I then realized it stated that the grand opening is tomorrow. I'm now sitting in my apartment, shivering. FML
I agree, your life sucks 10 569
You deserved it 26 486

Same thing different taste

Top comments

go to another store like target or something

think of the fun you'll have tomorrow though


jazziloveberryy 3

It's funny how the employees didn't say anything. They were probably laughing at you. :P

afallingstar 22

which is funny because they're the ones working at Walmart

bman134 0

As long as you don't trample a guard for your heater...

TinyDude 10

Get some blankets or burn them ;D

is that the new walmart in smokeypoint Washington?

Elixa 0

you should just ********** that will warm you up;)

rosemary1990 0

put a ******* shirt on n stop begging for attention bitch

Elixa 0

ewww get a ******* nose job, and stop burning my eyes, bitch!

least the picture isn't exposing where as no one really wants to see an image of your boobs why would you take one anyway could you get any more self obsessed?

sevans 0

wow was all this necessary (the comments idgaf about the pic)

sevans 0

was all this necessary (the comments idgaf about the pic)

Elixa 0

sevens, no it's nesassary, but girls love to hate me, as you can clearly see. So that's fine with me. Hate me all you want.

HamsteronA 0

I'm male, and agree with rosemary. Stop being either A. A self obsessed slit B. A bored 14 year old boy who's decided to take a picture off the internet and pretend to be female, or C. A 50 year old dude, who's really horny and wanks twice a day. Also pretends to be female on the internet.

Elixa 0

See, my male hate fan club isn't as big, mostley pizza face nerds, who realize they will never be able to even have a chance with the hotness that is me. So they go to the darkside and ********** thier way into enrtity, all whilst looking at my picture.

No one likes to hate you they just wish you'd put a top on... looks like your not just vain also an air head too!?

you must be talkin about elk city walmart. same thing happened to me

I dont understand what people have against walmart. The walmarts where i live have majorly upscaled in quality. (more than target i would say)

sourgirl101 28

I don't think it's the store all together. It's probably "some" of the type of people that go there. I'm in Miami and it's scary there after dark!