Backhanded insult?

By Mandy - 07/06/2010 19:27 - United Kingdom

Today, my boyfriend and I were talking about our past relationships. He told me that he broke up with his last girlfriend because she was smart and he suited someone who was quite stupid. He then went on to say that I was perfect for him. FML
I agree, your life sucks 41 566
You deserved it 6 744

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well, all we know about you is that you're with an asshole. It doesn't make you look particularly smart... Also, he kind of insulted himself saying he is suited to someone who is dumb.


FCChelsea 3

YDI for NOT completing high school

Are guys seriously stupid enough to say these things to their girlfriends? God... Makes me ashamed to be a guy.


Sadly, yes, it's true they do. However I'm not ashamed I'm a guy, because I know I'm hell of a lot smarter and nicer than a lot of those douchebags out there. I can and will take care of a woman once I find the right one. What sucks is that so many of the gorgeous women are already involved with said assholes. That is why I can't find any women. :/


yur welcome lol(x haha(: don't worry ull find a girl! kk (x

anchorblondie49 0

awe 61, that is really sweet. and I agree, a lot of them do find themselves with douches. I just got dumped by one.

This is where you say "And my ex's dick was too big. You're perfect for me too."

RaIeigh 0

I noticed that also awhile back :P.


what it say mr! hahahahahaha I never knew that (x n nope Im a girl(x why didn't anyone tell me until now?!(: lmfao

RaIeigh 0

Sorry, I didn't want to offend you by asking if you knew that it said Mr on your profile haha.. I didn't want you to think I was calling you a tranney or anything :P.


oh ahaha that's funny thou I never noticed!(x

if you are a mr I would turn gay in an instant. you definately got the looks.

RedPillSucks 31

Another hot Canadian Woman?

anchorblondie49 0

If you're still with him after that asshole remark, I believe you proved his point.

FYL for tap dancing while naked and drunk while being raped by a unicorn

pretty sure he did not mean it because he said it later not right after talkin bout the gf

Xavi89 0
smiley_ily 0

tell him he's perfect cause you were looking for someone who wasn't very good looking :)

frickyourlives 0

I told my last girlfriend this repeatedly to mess with her because she thought she was really clever. She was smarter than I was, but took the bait anyways. Ironically I broke up with her because I'm moving country to go to university.

Blindsquirrel211 0

awwww he loves you even though your a dumb ass.... true love