Bad boy!

By Anonymous - 12/04/2009 02:39 - United States

Today, I dog-sat for my neighbors' pitbull. Weighing in at 100 pounds with a nasty bite, this dog is no lap dog, but I treated it as one - not knowing how deadly this dog could be - beckoning it towards me with my hand. I now have 6 stitches in my hand and arm, and the neighbors didn't pay me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 52 266
You deserved it 17 917

Same thing different taste

Top comments

KwitIt 0

You've got to be kidding me. They're not even paying your doctor's bills? If my dog bit someone, I'd bend over backwards to help that someone so that they wouldn't get my dog put to sleep. What jerks you have for neighbors!

SpunkT 0

#2. Not all pitbulls are vicious. Most people would assume a family pet is friendly. The neighbors should have warned that their dog is mean. A good owner will socialize the dog so that it's not afraid of strangers. And if you know your dog doesn't like certain things, like people motioning it to come over, you tell them. You should sue. Dogs that bite people get put down.


Not that I'm saying it should be, but if you complain the dog likely will be put down. Pitbulls get a lot of bad owners and have bad tempers so... if you complain it's not gonna get a lot of sympathy. Your neighbours should at least know enough to keep it muzzled.

I have a pitbull and she barely weighs fifty pounds. That must have been one motherload of animal.

I totally agree with #29; pitbulls are ugly and horrible animals that are bred for violence and no one should own them. There have been plenty of incidents with people who claim their pitbull or rottweiler would "never hurt a fly" who suddenly bite people or kill children with no warning. Read the news. People are ******* stupid about their pets.

Sorry, #19 is wrong. My sister was bitten by a dog three times, he was put down so he couldn't bite anymore, but she had stitches all three times. So I believe the story. It's terrible that they didn't pay you for watching their dog. And it's terrible that they didn't care. They should have briefed you on how to watch their dog--especially if they knew it had issues with biting. Unless you threatened the animal, he shouldn't have bitten you. And common knowledge is that if you put your hand out and the dog shies away or gets defensive, you pull your hand back. If you leave the hand down where the dog can sniff, most times it'll accept or deny you. So he offered the dog to come over--he didn't grab him and force him. It's the owners' fault and they should have been MUCH kinder. I'm so sorry that you had such a shitty experience.

staycru3l 0

are you a dipshit? pit bulls are not bred to be vicious! i have a 1 year 4 month old pit and she's the SWEETEST dog i've EVER met or had. If a pitt bull bit you, there would be a lot more damage than 6 stitches, they have 300 lbs of pressure per sq inch in their jaw. That dog would have decimated you

cmb87 0

ok #27 you're a dumbass, most pitbulls are great dogs, there's no such thing as being dumb enough to stick your hand out to one.

cmb87 0

oh and same with #29 and #105, yall are both dumbasses

Enasni 0

Pits are the sweetest dogs, and many breeds are mistaken for them. I bet you it wasn't even a pit bull, and if it was, you did something to deserve being bitten. Stuck your hand in it's face, didn't you? You people make me sick. Golden Retrievers and Cocker Spaniels are more likely to attack and bite a child or adult than an American Pit Bull.