Bad breakup idea

By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2012 but it's good stuff - Switzerland - Wildberg

Today, my boyfriend ended our relationship. He called me from his mobile phone, claimed to be a trauma surgeon, and told me with a bad German accent that my "boyfriend" had been in a fatal car crash earlier in the day. What the hell is wrong with this idiot? FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 197
You deserved it 4 430

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well, be thankful that you're broken up with him then, I guess!

Well.... I suppose you are better off alone than with an idiot. But give him props for originality.


If you are fat, there is a clue about why he did it...

By far the most epic break up in the world

HunterAlpha1 8

you tell us, he's your boyfriend.

You dated him, what the hell is wrong with you?

I love it how you were dating a moron and are now complaining that he's the one to dump you. higher standards - get them.

Don't ask us. You're the one who dated him.

Fooberry 9

If he's that dumb, you're better off without him.

livelaughlove82 0

It's his loss! He just made it easier for the man that's been waiting for you to come in your life....thank the loser, he did you a favor