Bad breakup idea

By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2012 but it's good stuff - Switzerland - Wildberg

Today, my boyfriend ended our relationship. He called me from his mobile phone, claimed to be a trauma surgeon, and told me with a bad German accent that my "boyfriend" had been in a fatal car crash earlier in the day. What the hell is wrong with this idiot? FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 197
You deserved it 4 430

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well, be thankful that you're broken up with him then, I guess!

Well.... I suppose you are better off alone than with an idiot. But give him props for originality.


awkward if it really was a German man informing you.

Who cares what's wrong with him, it's not your problem anymore!

hey calm down it takes great skills to be that stupid!! lmao this kinda made my day!! no but seriously count ur blessings ur done with this idiot now u can tell ur kids of this story of how this one guy dumped u n so if ur kids ever feel down that they got dumped just tell em that story and they gna feel heaps beter haha

thatoneguy79 10

Creativity +3 Execution -7 Being his closest confidant and partner in love at the time of his untimely dense, it is your responsibility to advise the world of his departure. Make sure all of his social networking pages are made aware, and perhaps memorial pages can be started where his friends can share their stories and thoughts. A memorial service or wake is in order of course, as extensive as his bank account will allow. Perhaps a donation to charity in his name. I would hate for him to be forgotten. After sufficient time has passed, perhaps the scene photos can be used as a warning to the dangers of drunk drag racing. My congratulations on your loss.

sarahbara1994 0

Wow what a dick move, if your gonna break up with someone just make it straight forward don't make up lies like that.

Wouldn't it be funny if it was a trauma surgeon and he really did die

Just in case you're wondering about the German accent: 1) True in Switzerland we speak four languages (German, French, Italian and Romansch). However, the German we speak everyday is MILES away from the (high) German spoken in Germany, with most Germans unable to understand Swiss German. Compare to Queen's English to Deep South American English. 2) Loads of Germans have come to Switzerland and work here (better working conditions conditions, etc) including many doctors. Summary: high German and Swiss German are really different and many doctors speak German with a high German accent. Hope this helps, M