Bad breakup idea

By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2012 but it's good stuff - Switzerland - Wildberg

Today, my boyfriend ended our relationship. He called me from his mobile phone, claimed to be a trauma surgeon, and told me with a bad German accent that my "boyfriend" had been in a fatal car crash earlier in the day. What the hell is wrong with this idiot? FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 197
You deserved it 4 430

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well, be thankful that you're broken up with him then, I guess!

Well.... I suppose you are better off alone than with an idiot. But give him props for originality.


Really, a Dr. doesn't notify people of that. Even Docbastard doesn't do that. As far as what's wrong with him...ummm hello...he's already established that.

winnerme123 8

How is he an idiot...that's a great idea.

Looks like you dodged a bullet with this one.

You know what happens when you fake your own death? The Grim Reaper comes, demanding you fulfill your end of the bargain.. just keep that in mind. Joke's on your ex!

Later that day * BREAKING NEWS * Fatal car crash kills young male. Foreign doctor not able to save in time.

blair_x 12

Wow. If he's that emotionally immature and can't even do it in person, then I suppose it's a good thing your relationship has ended, after all. Still, FYL OP. At least you know now how he's really like.

Well at least the idiot is out of your life for good,what a a weak ass way to end a relationship FYI