Bad breakup idea

By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2012 but it's good stuff - Switzerland - Wildberg

Today, my boyfriend ended our relationship. He called me from his mobile phone, claimed to be a trauma surgeon, and told me with a bad German accent that my "boyfriend" had been in a fatal car crash earlier in the day. What the hell is wrong with this idiot? FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 197
You deserved it 4 430

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well, be thankful that you're broken up with him then, I guess!

Well.... I suppose you are better off alone than with an idiot. But give him props for originality.


Is it bad that I want to click "You deserved it" because you deserve better than someone who'd rather fake his own death than just come clean about why he doesn't think it's working out?

Doctors are not allowed to give that kind of infos to non family member and they definitely won't do it over the phone! That guy's a coward, if you find his balls make sure you return them to the grieving family.

lol its sad when its the idiot who decided to his relationship with you OP..

74: Before you go around calling other people stupid you might like to know that, yes, Switzerland does indeed have 4 official languages. However, the Zurich canton, which is located in the German speaking part of Switzerland, only recognizes one official language: German. Let's compare it to Canada: While French is an official language of Canada, you might want to stick with English when you're in Vancouver.

I think that you were what was wrong with him .. That was a lame way to break up with someone tho

give him props for being original? total idiot though.

Jerica_22 5

Maybe he was just joking around? If not he definitely is an idiot

What if that ended up being the real story? Haha

warwolf57 0

The real question is why were you with that idiot.