Bad karma

By Anonymous - 26/01/2014 17:21 - United Kingdom - Aberystwyth

Today, after waiting two weeks for an email with my online textbook access code, it still hadn't arrived in time for my quiz tomorrow, so I ended up spending most of my money on the expensive physical copy. Not long after I got back home, the email finally arrived. FML
I agree, your life sucks 47 207
You deserved it 5 040

Same thing different taste

Top comments

casual_commenter 9

I hope you kept your receipt!

challan 19

It's a conspiracy, Op! The online school is laughing all the way to the bank.


Best thing you can do is return the physical copy for a refund since you got the online access code now (if you want to). If not then you have 2 books of it incase.

Probably should've been proactive. Next time, send an email or something.

ao34501 5

Get a refund on the physical copy. Sounds like it has been less than a day and the bookstore should take it back as long as it isn't damaged. Also write a complaint to the company selling the online textbook and tell them how they created this problem. Maybe they will give you back some money. You shouldn't have to wait 2 weeks for an email with a pdf file. It is sad that I can order something off amazon and get it delivered to my house in a week while you had to wait 2 weeks for an e-mail.

No they won't give a refund if the book is unwrapped, an hour or 2 weeks, it doesn't matter! They will however give you $20 for a $200 book.

Nicole819 11

Most books you can return within a certain amount of days and if the plastic wrapping has not been broken

Hard copies are more practical anyway, blessing in disguise if you ask me.

Stumphumper 0

Patience young padawan learner

If it is a book return it for store credit or refund claiming mis purchased. They will usually give full in store credit vs refund. So then what is your FML, besides not being ready for the test? However, that is your bad for waiting till the last minute.

ao34501 5

This person's FML is that he/she got screwed by the one company. This person didn't wait until the last minute. Explain how this user waited until the last minute. The user planned ahead and was forced to wait a ridiculous amount of time for an e-mail. This person was basically forced to go buy a physical copy and will have to try to return it. The return will likely by accepted but some bookstores are very picky and might not accepted the return. This person might not be screwed out of a decent amount of money and had to go through the trouble of buying the physical copy and the trouble of trying to return it because some company waits 2 weeks to send out an e-mail when it knows students depend on it to get books. That is the FML.