Bad karma

By Anonymous - 26/01/2014 17:21 - United Kingdom - Aberystwyth

Today, after waiting two weeks for an email with my online textbook access code, it still hadn't arrived in time for my quiz tomorrow, so I ended up spending most of my money on the expensive physical copy. Not long after I got back home, the email finally arrived. FML
I agree, your life sucks 47 207
You deserved it 5 040

Same thing different taste

Top comments

casual_commenter 9

I hope you kept your receipt!

challan 19

It's a conspiracy, Op! The online school is laughing all the way to the bank.


Just study from the physical books and return them when you're done

This has happened to me before too. College conspiracy? I think so.

Yeah, my hubby has an online class & that kind of stuff happens to him all the time. It never fails, as soon as you spend all that money, whatever you need shows up! It IS a conspiracy if you ask me!

Do you have the receipt?? You can still return it if you do. Happened to me once too and the staff was kind enough to understand :)

When I was in college there was this one textbook that the store never had, and they agreed to order it for me, but they kept messing up the order, and the teacher would not believe me. She hated my guts. I think there must have been some additional reason, but I never figured out what it was.

It's better to buy the textbooks on Amazon.