Bad sign

By ITalkGood - 28/12/2009 00:37 - France

Today, I finally told my girlfriend I love her. She corrected my grammar. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 786
You deserved it 10 024

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Pipistrello_fml 0

Enjoy every word she says. The only woman I ever loved died 15 yeas ago this month. I'd give a lung to have her correct me just once more. Perspective.

You lucky asshole. I'm willing to bet she proofread this FML for you.


what he meant was that she replied, i LOVED you.

GOOD FOR HER. You seriously cant tell her you love her with proper grammar? If you're telling her "i luv u" shes not gonna feel loved! Take the time to spell "I love you" YDI.

MF12 0

he probably doesn't live in France when you don't put in a country, france is the default

BurnIt2TheGround 0

how do you **** up the grammar in "i love you" !?!

LOL ahaha xD That sounds like me. My boyfriend's always having a go at me for correcting his English :3

How can you get I love you wrong is the first thing you learn to write!! You deserve it moron!

how do you grammatically mess up "I love you"?

I do that to my boyfriend all the time! He always sends me the text messages that would be so sweet but he spells everything wrong!

DerpyHooves 0

And it just happens to make it less sweet because of the mistakes, right? lol It sucks when you get a really long one or a would-be sweet one only to see a grammar and/or spelling mistake. "Ah, how swee- did he misspell forever?"