Bad timing

By KrissyBearr - 31/12/2011 01:36 - United States

Today, while having sex, I told my boyfriend that I loved him. I could feel him go soft inside me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 49 414
You deserved it 10 013

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I always say I love you when having sex with my girlfriend. Why would I be having sex if I didn't love her? Forever happy. (:

eyeIoveyou 4

the blood from his erection rushed up to his heart and made it pump faster because of the loving feeling he was getting :']


If my girlfriend said that I'd get harder

I'm so sorry for you... Do not take it as something you did wrong, he just isn't worth your love...

Ouch. Sorry honey. Some guys are just morons. Don't let this break your heart too much.

toryfee 0

Some things shouldn't even be alloud on This is one of those things.

That means he came. Good job. Next time say it with his johnson in your mouth. Guys love that. Why? No clue. Dumb if you ask me.

HunterDavis 0

A guy I was into did the same thing to me. It was phone sex, and we weren't even together but... It definitely killed the mood, only because it took me by surprise, though. I did feel the same way.