Bad timing

By KrissyBearr - 31/12/2011 01:36 - United States

Today, while having sex, I told my boyfriend that I loved him. I could feel him go soft inside me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 49 414
You deserved it 10 013

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I always say I love you when having sex with my girlfriend. Why would I be having sex if I didn't love her? Forever happy. (:

eyeIoveyou 4

the blood from his erection rushed up to his heart and made it pump faster because of the loving feeling he was getting :']


kristac123 0

172- I know some people who've been together for practically their whole life, they're both very happy and love eachother, "true love" is real and it's not when people cheat on each other or get a divorce, some people CAN stay with someone and not get bored or tired of that person because they love them and it's obviously true love!

Yicks! Didn't need to know that. Sorry OP That's sad.

hateevryone 14

some boyfriend he is. don't have sex with him again.

i think that people have there own feelings about love, people can believe in it or not and its as simple as that. love can be found at any age between any people so who says that a 15 year old cant have true love? you dont know his life or how much he cares for someone unless he tells you so why cant everyone just let people have there own opinions?

I've told my bf that during sex except he didn't get soft and he said it back so sucks for you ;D

dized 0

Lol he prolly only loves having sex with you but dont love you

U should've gotten on top and told him "I love u" again

how can anyone say she deserved it? thats not fair!! honestly, the fact is generally this act is an act of love and how people express their feelings towards each other physically. now a days people are not doing it to express anything other then to get off. kind of pathetic. my husband said it first to me during sex, so dont sit there and say dont say this to guys during sex etc

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