Bad timing

By KrissyBearr - 31/12/2011 01:36 - United States

Today, while having sex, I told my boyfriend that I loved him. I could feel him go soft inside me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 49 414
You deserved it 10 013

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I always say I love you when having sex with my girlfriend. Why would I be having sex if I didn't love her? Forever happy. (:

eyeIoveyou 4

the blood from his erection rushed up to his heart and made it pump faster because of the loving feeling he was getting :']


Today I read countless comments about teenagers talking about true live Fml

I don't understand this. I think the "lonely" chick us just trying to get attention. You are a weird person. Get out of your cage and to live a happy life, if you know what that is

you made him think! blood is supposed to be elsewhere. probably not the best time to bring the love word into play. try waiting til after next time haha

You had sex without saying you love eachother first?! I know that a lot of people do, but i don't think they should. Sex used to be a real symbol of love, (not just saying you love each other, but something committed.) but now "everyone is doing it" like it's some kind of normal activity.

Sex didn't actually mean very much back in the day. Sure, people were married but those marriages were arranged. It wasn't really until the Victorian era and the early feminist movements that it became imbued with the connotations of love and sin as it is today.

kvbabygirl1 1

Everyone is entitled to his/her own opinion...whether or not you agree with it is your business and not the worlds. If you have something to say about it either say it respectfully because whatever you're saying is an opinion or keep your mouth shut and opinions to yourself

What a way to the kill the mood.. And this is coming from a woman YDI

Maybe you should of said.... you love him like a love song... Baby.... Baby... Oh baby...

I don't think you can call it "true love" until you've been with them for a while and can truly accept everything about them, no matter what the age. And people should cut margie2194 some slack, whether she believes in "true love" or not is her opinion. :P