Barter off!

By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2009 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I got an email from a local company looking to have a website made. I looked over their request and provided them with a reasonable offer. I got an email back stating that they would like to pay me with liquor instead of money. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 551
You deserved it 4 346

Same thing different taste

Top comments

shewasalmost18 0
asoldieroforange 0

And you didn't accept their offer?!


YDI for not being able to advantage of a good deal

And of what caliber? And will they give you mixers and nice glassware as well?

I know many people who would accept that offer. Including moi.

Haha, reminds me of something I read in a russian civilization class.

LuckyCharms_fml 0

Whoever modded this is a moron. Not a FML at all. Just reject their offer.

How much alcohol. I really hate when people don't provide enough info. Even if you don't drink you coulda sold it if it were a good ammount.

IheartCoffee27 0

All of you who think FML is "going down the tubes" and "OMG this isn't an FML," really take your internets too seriously. It's a silly, entertaining site. Quit your bitching or find something else to do.

snofur 0

Hell yes! That is awesome! Take that deal! LOL!

please say what company this is...I want to send in a resume