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By Seabiscuit - 06/07/2009 04:03 - United States

Today, I was snuggling in bed with my girlfriend. She was depressed, so I complimented her strong legs, saying they were "like a horse." I spent the next hour and a half trying to stop her crying. FML
I agree, your life sucks 15 492
You deserved it 77 764

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Wandering_fml 0

Dude, some advice; if you EVER compare your girlfriend to an animal, make sure it isn't a huge animal that could be considered an indirect way of calling her fat. And even then, you're taking a big risk. When she's depressed, don't say much. Let her talk. She'll talk herself through it, all she needs is someone to listen to her and hold her. Someone who cares.

Maybe it would be a better idea to just snuggle with her and no stupid comments. If my girlfriend was depressed, I'd kiss her neck and tell her I love her and make her smile and laugh. :) But nice try. :P


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why would you say that to her compare her to a HOrSe?? why?? haha that really doesnt make seance seriously

ElliexMarie 0

Why would you compare a woman to a horse ? She was depressed ; and you made her feel worse . All a girl could ever asked for , is a man to hold her . To listen to her problems . Not insult her and make her feel worse than she already was . YDI . Men like you make me sick . :/

mooreon131 0

Why? it's not like he was trying to be mean, he just made a really stupid comment. Its not like he was calling her ugly or anything. Granted it was REALLY REALLY stupid, it was still just an accident. Him being stupid, and i guess nervous isnt his fault. I think its al little extreme to be sickened by anybody hwo isnt perfect and tactful all the time. He was just trying to take care of her in her time of need. Give him a break.

And women like you are what's holding back the progression of the entire planet. It was a compliment; for those of you who don't know, the horse has the greatest strength to weight ratio of any animal on the planet. He was saying that her legs are very toned and strong. In short, get over yourself, don't jump to conclusions, accept a compliment for what it is, and stop being so bitchy.

I believe it's a ceremony during which a medium attempts to make contact with the dead. Or possible a really poor attempt at spelling 'sense'

Girls like you are really annoying. They expect guys to be so perfect, and even an obvious mistake will be taken in the worst possible context. If everyone was perfect, she wouldn't have been crying in the first place.

@ 65 Well, I'm not sure he was trying to insult her. He probably was just trying to say she was strong or something I donno, but he was oblivious and didn't realize that it was insulting. Although it's still YDI

YDI for "snuggling". Grow some balls, ****. I bet you're the catcher in the relationship.


dramakat11 0

Wow. **** his life for having a girlfriend who is sensitive about her body like most other women today bombarded with unrealistic, airbrushed media images of women and asshole men who insist **** isn't cheating? She was depressed and that comment unwittingly implied that her legs are big. STFU.

dramakat11 0

Grow the **** up you homophobic asshole. And good luck finding a girl who doesn't like snuggling. I can't believe these ridiculous, disgusting stereotypes of asshole men actually exist...You are a product of the fear of appearing "weak" or "feminine" and therefore bury all of your emotions and sensitivities. Ironically, this actually makes you less of a man. You are hardly human. Someone should put you out of your misery

helpmeiamblind 0

Hey, the dude was trying to help out his GF. It's women like you who turn guys into Dbags. Don't ruin this clearly good guy...

SirKickz 0

I personally (and a lot of people I've talked to agree) think that saying she 'has a horse's legs' was probably a pretty bad move, but at the same time, a lot of my friends (women, mind you) agree that if someone had told them they held the beauty and strength of a horse, they would feel well complimented. Horses are incredibly strong and beautiful animals. Agreed that your life is f***ed, for having a girl that sensitive, but still, that was an idiot move to give her that compliment. Props though for at least trying something inventive, as opposed to the old, overused crap.

incorrect, ants have the greatest strength to weight ratio of any animal

too bad ants and beetles aren't animals you silly goofs

zacharyadkins 0

ants, beetles, and insects for that matter, are animals. they are classified scientifically as phylum Arthropoda in the kingdom Animalia right next to phylum Chordata which includes humans, monkeys, and horses, so I'm not sure where you're getting your definition of animal from.

Alright first off 65 u use stupid girl logic so nothing u say can ever be taken serious. For those of u who dont know girl logic is things such as a guy saying "you are as smart as a nerd but beautiful too." and the girl says "u think im an ugly geek." very common... 2nd numbers 134 and 199 just got trolled hard core. 3rd fyl op for having been in that situation. As #1 said better to not talk becuz girls will take anything u say way out of context so they can feel sorry for urself. My gf has cued me in that the only way u can win is to repeatedly say "its okay" and stay the **** out of it. If ur girl says 'y do u just say "its okay all the time" run for ur life u have 7 seconds to get out of the room.

133- men have just as many body stereotypes to deal with as women. The media does it to both genders but men don't bitch about it because most guys don't care.

I bet she's hung like a horse too. Why didn't you give her some Ben&Jerry's and compared her with a hippo?

LIKE A HORSE?? Hahaha seriously?? That's the equivalent of saying your biceps are like spaghetti strands!

never compare a girl to an animal, period. "you have strong legs" isn't exactly the best compliment either. would it have been so hard to tell her she has pretty eyes?

He could have been working his way down the list of body parts. Also, horses have very nice muscular legs. It's not a bad thing.

lmmmr 0

Is it really easier to type UDI than YDI? Grow up and speak english.

I feel sorry for you, I could just imagine my boyfriend saying that to me, then me smacking him round the face! Lol! Think before you speak next time! Haha!

Maybe it would be a better idea to just snuggle with her and no stupid comments. If my girlfriend was depressed, I'd kiss her neck and tell her I love her and make her smile and laugh. :) But nice try. :P

Like a horse? A ******* horse? What the hell, man?! Even if it didn't sound like "*****'s" it's be a stupid thing to say!

voveraite 7

does it not depend on the animal? I don;t know many women who'd mind a "kitty" once in a while ^^

Wandering_fml 0

Dude, some advice; if you EVER compare your girlfriend to an animal, make sure it isn't a huge animal that could be considered an indirect way of calling her fat. And even then, you're taking a big risk. When she's depressed, don't say much. Let her talk. She'll talk herself through it, all she needs is someone to listen to her and hold her. Someone who cares.

Huuuuuge mistake... At least if it was an Unicorn...

I agree and disagree. Yes, you don't want to compare a girl to a large animal just in case she is emotionally unstable or unable to see a positive in the comment but he was talking about her legs being like a horse's. Every horse I've ever seen (as an equestrian I've seen a lot) has skinny and strong legs so I'm not quite sure how this comment went awry.

cassiie_fml 0

HAHAHA stupid. Who compares a girl to a horse. Bad mistake. Silly boy.

Then why does everyone compare Sarah Jessica Parker to having a horse face?

Because they're intentionally insulting her. And because she does have a horse face.

Because she is a horse. Its not a comparison. Havent u seen the website?

Next time, tell her she's lucky that her breasts are small and humble. And that you don't confuse them with mountains.