Because I'm worth it

By Anonymous - 30/03/2009 13:34 - United States

Today, a mother wrote me a $130 check for babysitting her four kids for a few hours. Trying to be gracious, I said, "Wow, thank you, this is very generous!" She thought for a minute, then said, "You're right." She took the check back, ripped it up, and wrote me a new one for $55. FML
I agree, your life sucks 82 078
You deserved it 30 750

Same thing different taste

Top comments


FajitaFreak 3

You silly fool. Never be polite or courteous. No good deed goes unpunished. You should simply of said Thanks and left it at that.

lifesucks33_fml 0

Rude, how old were the kids? if they were older than it aint too bad i get paid up to forty dollars for watching 2 well behaved kids for 3-4 hours

#84: If I have to pay that much to a baby-sitter than I might as well send them to a good daycare, which doesn't charge as much as the rate you said. Teachers babysit kids for the whole day and they don't get paid as much as your "calculation" said. $40 an hour? Hiring merely a babysitter? Come on, I teach piano and I charge $40 an hour, but consider that I had spent like 10 years to get that professional certificate, while a babysitter course only takes a day and the cert costs less than $100 (and I have that too.) $55 is reasonable enough. And well, should've settled w/ a fee before hand.

I would advertise your services on Craigslist with a clear hourly fee PER CHILD (i.e. $10.00 per hour per child, etc.). Also, NEVER babysit for that wackjob again - she probably paid you the same as one of those "drop-in" babysitter services which charges an HOURLY FEE - PER CHILD. The issue I have in this case isn't the money, the issue is her rude behavior in regard to ripping up the check. This behavior is disrespectful to you and you deserve better.

lol_good4u 0

you should be happy... that's more than minimum wage in cash

if there wasn't anymore to the conversation than what you told us, she's clearly a cheap ****.

two things: agree upon a price beforehand and JUST SAY THANK YOU!

Hahahh lmfao that suckssss... just don't talk... next time just thank them and that's it rofl.. YDI

Well, isn't she an asshole? For four kids, $55 is nothing. I think Fred Meyer's PlayLand makes more then that. You should have had a standard fee before even agreeing to watch her kids, and when getting tips, keep your mouth shut.