BFF for life

By Lonely - 23/08/2009 07:09 - United States

Today, it was the last day of camp. I told my friends we should exchange e-mail addresses so we could stay in touch. Apparently, they all had already exchanged their contact info. Nobody asked me for one piece of my contact info even once during the entire six weeks. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 735
You deserved it 4 695

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Of course this is an FML. Feeling rejected by peers is worse than a heartbreak - the cause of so many high school suicides and shootings. Anyone saying "meh, suck it up, this isn't an FML" has probably always had a lot of friends and never experienced that sort of heart wrenching pain that doesn't go away for years. Though this FML wasn't that big of a deal, the kids probably exchanged when you just happened to not be there or something, I still feel sorry for you. It's just camp, don't worry about it. No one ever actually keeps contact after camp anyway.


Greyhoundgirl 0

Yeah I'm from that state. People are very cold mean and rich. Get out of there. That's what I did. Now when its 80 here and 40 there I laugh at them. ;)

theshinepolice 0

well i'm from there too. actually like the cold weather, but yeah some people from there aren't the nicest and most of them are richer in my experience. camp usually isn't long enough to make much friendships that last anyway (especially if your reserved/introverted), unless you like it so much you keep going back, and so do your camp friends. so no biggie.

Summer camp is overrated. More than likely you won't see those losers again. Don't sweat it.

um YDI. why not get involved with something a little

PCC? im pretty sure you were at PCC :D. which IS NOT a summer camp. dont ever call it camp, ever.

i_is_a_tr00l 0

You can't say New York Pizza without saying pizza! Let's get us some, shall we? :d

That does suck. Sorry to hear it. But at least now you know, right? That's knowledge to move forward with.

There are a lot of other options aside from nerdy. Perhaps you could use a dose of nerdy too, and then you'd be able to use "you're" when it's appropriate.