BFF for life

By Lonely - 23/08/2009 07:09 - United States

Today, it was the last day of camp. I told my friends we should exchange e-mail addresses so we could stay in touch. Apparently, they all had already exchanged their contact info. Nobody asked me for one piece of my contact info even once during the entire six weeks. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 735
You deserved it 4 695

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Of course this is an FML. Feeling rejected by peers is worse than a heartbreak - the cause of so many high school suicides and shootings. Anyone saying "meh, suck it up, this isn't an FML" has probably always had a lot of friends and never experienced that sort of heart wrenching pain that doesn't go away for years. Though this FML wasn't that big of a deal, the kids probably exchanged when you just happened to not be there or something, I still feel sorry for you. It's just camp, don't worry about it. No one ever actually keeps contact after camp anyway.


What camp was it? cuz it sounds pretty bad >.

skullbuster 0

And this one time, at band camp...

Do you go to the YMCA Camp Fuller in Rhode Island?

wilt 0

Maybe that should tell you something.

wow, a group of people that are all old enough to type and these are the comment's you post on a kids experience? People like you are the reason others have to post FML's. Grow up. And kid, camp's just a small part of life, it sucks right now but just wait till you run into them years from now, and they will see what you grew up to be. No worries.

Well... you apparently didn't ask for their info, either, until the LAST day. A little late to decide you're going to be friends for life and stay in touch, isn't it? And to all you saying that you never stay close to friends from camp... I beg to differ, not from my own experience, but from several friends who look forward to going to camp in the summer and seeing their friends who they only see at camp.

dont bitch, i have friends who have gone through worse at camp, meaner people. so dont whine cuz some people didnt wanna be friends with you. boo hoo.

soarofthecord7s 0

where did you go? was it in georgetown?