Biology lesson time

By Username - This FML is from back in 2011 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, my 16 year-old daughter tried to convince me that tampons don't actually work, all because she can still pee with one in. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 068
You deserved it 5 944

Top comments

stroudie94 9

it's not to late to teach her... you still have two years before she is a certified idiot.

SteelCladAngel 0

what's with all the dumbass 16 year olds lately?


Has she been tested to see if she has some sort of learning disability? If not, I think it might be time to have her evaluated.

.......ok I knew that stuff when I was 10....

sadkiddie 0

ok why don't ppl know this stuff?? Yesterday I legit had to explain this whole thing to my two friends, a girl 18yrs old and boy 20yrs old. It was super awkward but they were sooo clueless it was almost sad.

carmenm 6

boys I can understand though girls no excuse they're your genitals for gods sake how can you not know how they work?

Sparkiee93 3

/They don't work /blood magically disappears. /tampon scam has fooled women for ages.

rockinroyalty 0

Just give her smack across the head.

What? Is her hand just going to magically transfer knowledge on female anatomy into her head when they come in contact? No. All you'll have done is made your daughter feel like shit and then she'll be scared to ask more question in fear of being slapped, and asking questions is how you learn. Sorry about the long comment, just trying to make you understand that child abuse is not the answer you're looking for.

aFMLfann4life 0

haha, I was actually agreeing with her until I realized there different holes...right? Lol, I don't even know :p Very sad, especially since am I girl ;0

GaleHawthorne 0

It seems there have been a lot of stupid 16 year olds. FYL OP.

it's to bad she has the capacity to expan her gene pool

ImTotallyAsian 0