My greatest party trick [DEROGATORY]

By Anonymous - 20/10/2024 16:00 - Ireland

Today, I was drunkenly showing my juggling skills at a party with three apples. I nailed it until one flew out of my hand, hit a guest in the face, and knocked their drink all over the host’s new beige couch. FML
I agree, your life sucks 62
You deserved it 403

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I was going to say YDI for being drunk, but signs point to you either being Irish or embedded in Irish culture, so YDI for ******* up your juggling act, Paddy. /jk


I was going to say YDI for being drunk, but signs point to you either being Irish or embedded in Irish culture, so YDI for ******* up your juggling act, Paddy. /jk