Boob inspector

By Anonymous - 12/07/2024 13:00 - United Kingdom

Today, my husband's latest attempt to torture me was to point out that in every animated kids film like Encanto, Moana, and so on, that somewhere behind Disney's walls is an animator who has to animate the characters boobs and how they bounce when the characters walk. I can’t unsee it; so many films. FML
I agree, your life sucks 311
You deserved it 201

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Yep! Just about any decent book on animation techniques talks about this, too. Boobs are among many small things an animator has to animate, like hair, fat tummies, tails, etc., in addition to big movements like walks, jumps, etc.

You totally missed the point. And randomly suspect people of stuff. That's a major redflag!


Yep! Just about any decent book on animation techniques talks about this, too. Boobs are among many small things an animator has to animate, like hair, fat tummies, tails, etc., in addition to big movements like walks, jumps, etc.

Why is he so obsessed with underage characters' chest movements? Major red flag.

You totally missed the point. And randomly suspect people of stuff. That's a major redflag!

If you want animated films that he can't really sexualise for you without looking like a colossal pervert, try pretty much anything from Studio Ghibli.

Don't forget they have copyright over all Disney-themed media. Including the ****, until parody law went into effect.