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By Anonymous - 18/08/2010 16:12 - United States

Today, my new $100 electronic cigarette came in the mail. I was so excited to try it out, I used it on the drive to work. The people who sold it to me weren't kidding when they said it looked and felt real. I threw it out the window when I was done. FML
I agree, your life sucks 12 507
You deserved it 64 303

Same thing different taste

Top comments

BluPenguin 3


I just pushed YDI for littering. Cigarettes all over the ground look like crap. Find a ******* trashcan, asshole.


thaprince1226 0

yeah yeah, anyway, smoking is legal, but littering isn't so ydi for doing what every other smoker on earth does because it's illegal and you were dumb about it, but good for you for tryna quit. Also I saw those on tv and it said they were giving them away free or cheap or somethin.

Agreed. Some forest fires start that way...

russianspy1234 11

And the risk to other drivers, especially those on motorcycles.

YDI for your new $100 electronic cigarette coming in the mail. You were so excited to try it out, so you used it on the drive to work. The company wasn't kidding when they said it looked and felt real. You threw it out the window when you were done. You watched the car behind you run it over.

no, OP deserves it for spending 100$ on one. you can get them +refills for less than 20$

xoxoimhis 0

that sucks. then again.... so does smoking. =P

yeah I been wondering if that thing actually work

stedfastwolf 11

ok get cancer if your stupid enough to smoke

dave04045 1

YDI for smoking YDI for spending 100 dollars on a ciggarette YDI for being succeptable to nicotine YDI for being genetically attracted to ciggarettes

I literally just got mine. This is scaring me. I'm already very afraid I'll burn out the atomizer or what ever

guckylynn 19

Ok am I the only one who finds skroal to be incredibly annoying??

mona_is_here 10

33, me and 99% of people on FML are with you.

rockyraccoon28 8
MrsxBillxKaulitz 5

33, I agree. anyways. sorry for my ignorance, but what's the point of an electronic cigarette?

it's funny because you thought the cigarette was real so you threw it out the window

it's a vapour smoke. and ya skroal is probably 35 living with his mother.

nope 33, he's trampling all over my nerves.

skroal and legonut are not funny but we should not feed trolls, only ignore them

#28, and anyone else who chooses to comment in that fashion, I would just like to say that it is neither cleaver, nor funny, nor original. Go away please. (to make my comment relevant to the op) smoking is grotty, but at least youre trying to quit, but I vote YDI, cause you made the mistake to originally start.

YDI idiot. first of all, smoking is a disgusting habit. and second of all, littering is a crime. When there is litter on the ground 99% of the time it is cigarette butts! STOP LITTERING YOU DUMBASS SMOKERS!

twinny_sc 13

Wow electronic cigarette! the hell does that work?

why would throw put an electric cigarette that cost 100$? stupid? oui. Smart? non btw rofl at47

Cooluu 5

this is retarded on so many levels

I don't think anyone actually reads skroal's comments any more, he's just wasting his life trying to piss people off who quite frankly couldn't care less.

You remind me of an uneducated version of Trollz, so just stop. Thanks. :-)

Skroal is funny because of all the haters. For me he makes this site even more entertaining.


Btw, there is no hard evidence that one can be geneticaly predisposed to become a smoker. Also, one cannot be 'suceptable' to nicotine, it is an addictive chemical that most people who expose themselves to it become addicted. It has to do with receptors in the brain that make you crave for it again.

collegegirl87 0

I didn't get this FML. What is OP trying to say?

^ Op is saying that out of habit they threw out their cigarette, but instead of throwing out the butt of a cheap used one, they threw out a 100$ dollar imitation cigarette. You're an idiot if you couldn't understand that.

TurboTalon 0

I don't smoke but anyone bitching about cancer is retarded. I'm sure in 50 years we'll probably all have brain cancer from wifi and cell phones so whether you smoked or not really won't matter.

Ok.. This is bothering me. What this does is gives you the effect of smoking, i.e., you can blow clouds of what looks like and tastes like smoke. BUT. It is actually water vapor.Iit is in no way bad for you, and it has varying levels of nicotine you can get to try to quit smoking. There is no secondhand smoke, and it cannot give you cancer. It is a "healthy cigarette." I like legonut, and if you don't like skroal... DON'T READ HIS COMMENTS. 

Ok.. This is bothering me. What this does is gives you the effect of smoking, i.e., you can blow clouds of what looks like and tastes like smoke. BUT. It is actually water vapor.Iit is in no way bad for you, and it has varying levels of nicotine you can get to try to quit smoking. There is no secondhand smoke, and it cannot give you cancer. It is a "healthy cigarette." I like legonut, and if you don't like skroal... DON'T READ HIS COMMENTS. 

psuboy 0

I'm glad to know that they actually work. I was gonna get one. all the fun with none of the cancer haha

pureecstasy 5

dudeeee I'm so sorry that sucks I love my electric cig :)

bubblzz 4

my previous comment was for # 73:))).. not for the kid above that is problably no older than a 5th gradee:))

tweetbaby14 18

111- my bf was given one, and on the package it not only said it is not used to quit smoking, but that it has pure nicotine in it.

Ali_Br_fml 33

33, we all agree, and OP, YDI for smoking. You spend $100 on something that's gonna kill you? Then you throw it out... the best thing you could have done with your life. Don't you think it was a message? your cig got trampled... Um Don't smoke?! Don't litter, stop killing us all with your habit. I lost too many ppl to smoking related lung cancer to even feel sorry 4 u 4 losing your $100.

Ali_Br_fml 33

I just skip over skroal's posts, & sometimes skim legonut's for laughs if they r different from his same old same old... It doesn't annoy me, but isn't interesting... & now, even though I understand the electric cigarette a bit better from reading posts, I still think OP deserves it, & hope they don't allow it inside. it still stinks (I think I saw 1 used on a train, & it still stunk) and I don't wanna be stuck with that for my whole trip just 2 find out l8r that those exposed to it will die a worse death than cancer... w/e that may be...

Brittney_E 0

my step dad bought a 12 pack of electric cigarettes for $700. he gave it 3 days. worst invesment ever.

33 Your cat is soooo cute! 73 Your abs suck.

electronic cigarretes are the best. they're like 10x cheaper then cigarettes in the long run, and all you're taking into your body is nicotine and none of those cancerous chemicals, and all you exhale is water vapor.

guckylynn 19

Thanks 162, she's really sweet too :)

ydi for smoking in the first place; plain and simple

PurplePigeon 0

"omg! skroal is so annoying and I hate him. he's a loser who probably lives in his moms basement." you all bitch and moan about how annoying he is yet none of you will stop talking about him. ever stop to think how annoying that is?

thanks for repeating the fml in case someone missed it the 1st time, totally necessary of you

Nope, someone needs to Kanye him so he can shutup.

OBVIOUSLY, the OP knows that smoking is a disgusting habit. That's why she bought an electric cigarette, because it doesn't have the harmful effects of a real cigarette and she still will get her nicotine fix. Either way, it is really none of your business what she does and doesn't do. If she wants to smoke, let her. It's not like she's the only one in the world who smokes.

raffucka 0

i think I'm the only one that lol'd @64

no I do too seriously, does he think he's funny? cus I find him VERY irritating! 

QBortega 0

wow op has serious A.D.D. issues..first of all an electronic cigarrete is medal or platic so it doesnt feel like a real cig, second of all the e-cig doesnt run out, its not like it shrinks like a real ciggerete. i dont know what op was thinking, maybe they gave him an e-mariguana lol, but seriously this is kinda retarded

u fail at having abs, dont bother taking a picture, you're just embarrassing yourself

legonut is ******* awesome! lol keep it up!

FyourLIFEdotCOM8 0

19 I had a class with a guy that had one and he would whip it out during class and he said he got his for 60 and it came with a ton of shit.

FyourLIFEdotCOM8 0

56-I like to trample your balls

FyourLIFEdotCOM8 0

105 smoke comes out, they are kinda neat that way

FyourLIFEdotCOM8 0

137 the elec cig is a way to quit so they got that hint a while ago.

mona_is_here 10
PenelopeClearwat 0

33, no. skroals comments crack me up. what's so bothersome about them? they're just comments! (:

Ludii_fml 0
AVGNRocks 0

in Soviet Russis, cigarette throws you out window.

ng7899 0

both stupid and forgetful. now idiots can reply to me! hooray beer!

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meganf 1

one of those fake cigarettes to help people stop smoking by emitting gas molecules made of water and tastes like tobacco as well

BluPenguin 3


I just pushed YDI for littering. Cigarettes all over the ground look like crap. Find a ******* trashcan, asshole.

I agree. Smoking is not exactly a great idea but it's your own business. Littering is just selfish. YDI.

Brittney_E 0

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184- 1- how about you show your faceibstead of your abs? 2- it's not a matter of tree hugging it's a matter of I don't want my tax dollars spent on people cleaning up litter in public property because some douche was too lazy to walk to a trash can.

Brittney_E 0

190, take a chill pill. 197, i feel ya, just when i read it i was like que? and my old pic didn't show my face. took forever to get it to show so i gave up.

so.. not putting the cig in a trash can and instead throwing it out the window into the dry grass in summer is not a fire hazard? YDI

Bins have the cigarette bit to put it in at the too so do pit cigs in the bin

Not in America... They like to pretend that we all have our shit together so we don't need ashtrays anymore.

mona_is_here 10

Never underestimate the power of habit.