Bosses gonna boss

By Anonymous - 11/09/2010 23:36 - United States

Today, I talked to my boss about scheduling my urgently needed surgery. She asked me to wait until after Christmas, and told me that I should use vacation time instead of sick leave. She's also not going to give me the total paid time off my contract specifies, because it's "inconvenient." FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 058
You deserved it 2 336

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Ummm...she can't do that. Contracts are legally binding. Unless there's a loophole she's exploiting.

Legal action would be a good idea for you right about now.


katelynjoy 0

3 words for you...Department of Labor!!! File a complaint with them, as long as it's on your contract, by LAW, she has to pay you & if your surgery is important or life threatening, do it, if she fires you, you have a lawsuit. She's a total BITCH! I hope God punishes her! Get well!

After your law comment, when I looked up at your name, I saw the word "Tribunal". How bizarre. How bizarre.

girl, get a new eyebrow stylist, you look like a clown!

xMissxMurderx 1

I highly suggest you get a lawyer. immediately.

sounds like a mole! she can't make u use holiday. if u have a medical note u can have the tine off and get paid how ever many sick days your entitled too any other days off u just won't get paid.