Bosses gonna boss

By Anonymous - 11/09/2010 23:36 - United States

Today, I talked to my boss about scheduling my urgently needed surgery. She asked me to wait until after Christmas, and told me that I should use vacation time instead of sick leave. She's also not going to give me the total paid time off my contract specifies, because it's "inconvenient." FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 058
You deserved it 2 336

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Ummm...she can't do that. Contracts are legally binding. Unless there's a loophole she's exploiting.

Legal action would be a good idea for you right about now.


YDI if you're going to let your boss run over you like that

chokeabitch 0

agreed. I'd be calling a lawyer and filing a suit immediately.

d_ele 0

Get a lawyer. Right now. And then sue her

thank God I live in Western Europe. I get extra days off wiyh 70% salary to take care of a relative who is seriously ill.

this is something your boss is gonna have to post after you sue the hell outta them... well depending on what kinda surgery it is...

it's called your human resources department. go talk to them

lol wow, well I say take legal action, then push to get your boss fired, unless of course the surgery is needed due to your being too fat, then ydi

If you have a certificate from the hospital signing and stating you need the surgery ASAP your boss can't do anything about it and is forced to give you time off.