Brain bug

By andimanastudent - This FML is from back in 2011 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I freaked out when the remote wouldn't unlock my car. I stood in the rain trying to open the door. Unsure of what to do next, I called my boyfriend. He told me to "put the key in the door…" I'd forgotten about that option. FML
I agree, your life sucks 10 636
You deserved it 68 620

Top comments

SGal25 5

dear god. holy shit, what to do without keyless entry!!!! OMG


this is totally something I could do

flooger101 6

I would have had the same problem!

skittycat213 19

I'm dreading the day the battery goes dead in my remote key. if I use the actual key instead, the car alarm goes off >.

mermaidOFtheSEA 8

guess you lost your train of thoght. .. must of not been a very long train to begin with.

Before anyone critiques my comment, I will have you that I myself am a natural blonde, and I did not mean the OP or anyone else any harm by this comment. I've seen one too many people get thumbed down for comments making blonde jokes, or references to the intelligence of blondes in good humor just to be harassed mercilessly by people who can't take or understand a joke, so I thought I would make myself clear: THIS COMMENT WAS NOTHING BUT A JOKE IN GOOD HUMOR.

Ahah that was me too! Except it wasn't raining, thank god!